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Excellent Personal Training in Sartell, MN

Sta-Fit offers personal training in Sartell, MN. Our certified fitness trainers provide personalized fitness plans based on your individual goals and fitness capability. We tailor every workout to meet your needs so you can target your specific fitness goals and see significant progress. Not only do our fitness coaches provide guidance on workouts, but they also offer nutritional guidance and meal plans to help each client make healthy lifestyle changes. Our coaches encourage and provide support to help you develop healthy habits and sustain a healthier lifestyle. We make it our goal to help you become as fit and healthy as possible.

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Meet Our Outstanding Fitness Trainers

Our fitness trainers will help you gain greater strength and develop a healthier body by staying active and sticking to an engaging fitness routine. Our personal fitness programs focus on your goals and work towards them in attainable steps. We can help you build muscle, increase flexibility, and develop personal fitness with instruction from one of our qualified fitness instructors. All our fitness coaches are certified in Smart Fitness CPT and Alloy Certified Training. Meet our trainers below:


Kevin Kutz

Before becoming a personal trainer, Kevin was a natural competitive bodybuilder and trained in the gym for over 35 years. He loves helping people transform and achieve their goals. He is an IFPA/WNBF Pro Bodybuilder. He specializes in weight loss, sports nutrition, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and sports-specific training.


Lori Fuchs

As a personal trainer, Lori helps her clients improve their quality of life through health and fitness. She enjoys helping her clients set and achieve their goals and provides them with individualized programs that teach healthy mental and physical lifestyle habits. She holds a bachelor’s degree in health and wellness from Bemidji State University and specializes in dotFit nutrition.


Michele Braun

Michele became a trainer as an extension of coaching athletics. She wanted to help individuals of all ages and skill levels see health and fitness as a lifelong commitment to ensure that everyday life is easier and more enjoyable. She can help clients achieve any goal by working together. She has a bachelor’s degree from SCSU and specializes in beginning, intermediate, and advanced exercises, core stabilization, plyometric, sports-specific, and resistance training.


Bud Niemeyer

Bud enjoys helping clients set and achieve goals, no matter how big or small. He creates individualized programs to help clients improve their quality of life through healthy lifestyle habits. Bud holds a bachelor’s degree in health and wellness from Bemidji State University and is certified in dotFit nutrition. He specializes in nutrition, wellness, lifestyle changes, core strength, and rehabilitation.

Aidan Paxton

    Personal Trainer
    Bodybuilding Specialist
    Strength and Conditioning
    Sport Specific Training
    Nutrition and Wellness

I'm a competitive bodybuilder and 2x state champion powerlifter with a strong foundation in athletics, having played basketball for six years. My true passion, however, lies in empowering others. I believe in lifting people up, not just in the gym but in life, helping them achieve their goals and pursue their biggest dreams. Whether it's through fitness or personal growth, I'm committed to being a guiding hand and a source of motivation for those striving to reach their full potential.

senior man and a male trainer are indoors in a fitness center

What to Expect

Your personal trainer will start by getting to know you. They’ll ask about health considerations, have you fill out a health history form, and take your baseline measurements using an InBody assessment scan. You’ll share what motivates you, what holds you back, and what inspired you to seek out your fitness goals. Next, your trainer will assess your mobility and flexibility to find what you need to work on. Your personal trainer will create an outline of what they want to focus on and how it will help you in the future. A good personal trainer will conduct the following:

  • Get to Know You Interview
  • Movement Assessment
  • Plan for Moving Forward

Train for What You Want in Life

A personal trainer can help you train for specific goals such as losing weight, building muscle, or feeling healthier. Having a game plan in place transforms exercise into real training. A personal trainer provides services and advice you can’t get on your own. They identify and focus on areas of improvement to push progression and help you see results. Your trainer will tailor your fitness plan to your needs and goals while incorporating meal plans and other supports to enhance your overall wellness. Our personal trainers are here to help you help yourself.

Your Fitness Journey Starts Here